We invite you to join Free Will Baptists nationwide to offer hope & help to those recently impacted by Hurricane Helene. Updates will be announced during upcoming Sunday services.
You can participate in three ways:
- Give through Bethel. Designate checks to storm relief (and please use an offering envelope).
- Give directly to Free Will Baptist Disaster Relief led by Master’s Men: https://www.fwbmastersmen.org/donate/
- Donate needed items. These items will be collected at the church and delivered to the emergency distribution center in Erwin, Tennessee.

Critical needs:
- Charcoal (currently out)
- Small propane tanks for cooking
- Portable grills / ovens
- Canned goods
Items Needed
Important Note: The Free Will Baptist relief distribution center at Evergreen FWB Church is NOT accepting clothing donations at this time.
- Canned goods
- Non-perishable food
- Ready-to-go food
- Small propane tanks
- Batteries (all sizes)
- Bleach
- Cleaning supplies
- Cereal
- Gift cards / Fuel cards